Organizing a film shoot
by Mariano Cukar location manager
"I'm a Location manager and I work on films, commercials and photo productions.
I travel around South America scouting for locations to shoot movies and stills for filmmakers and photographers from all around the world.

One of the most difficult things is to tell them how the light influences the location, and before, the only possible solution was to do a "light study", which meant having someone on location the whole day taking pictures from the same camera position every 15 minutes or so, and then send all those pictures.... a nightmare.
Now, with, we just need to go there take a picture with the phone and that's it! You can see if the sun will be in frame, or hidden by any object, it's fantastic... and you can adjust it to the date you want. [...]

It's so useful, it's a tool every location manager and scouter should have."
Mariano Cukar, location manager about